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2015-04-11 18:33:06 宣化正力十大污污软件免费下载 已读


Determine the breadth diameter ratio (B/D) of the impeller of rotor to search balance, and the balance correcting way for rotor (including single-plane balance and double-plane balance. For single - plane balance, the rotor doesn’t rotate, the mass of add and subtraction can be calculated by the graphing method; for double-plane balance, the rotor must be rotated on the balancing machine to determine the mass of add and subtraction and phase). Get the balance quality and working speed of the rotor, such as G6.33000r/min all the like, thus to calculate the total allowable residual unbalance Get the support mode of rotor (6 modes in total), to distribute  towar, thus to obtain the allowable residual unbalance on each plane, 十大污污软件免费下载

  Calculateto the total mass of the machine, so as to make sure whether the balance quality is reduced or not (If the percentage of a light rotor is around 1/10, the allowable unbalance value can be 3 times as more as that of this level; while the percentage of a very heavy rotor is above 1/2, the allowable unbalance value will be reduced by 2/3).

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